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Counselling Adults and Young People Struggling with Addiction

As a counsellor with extensive experience in supporting individuals struggling with addiction, I understand the profound challenges that addiction brings to both the person affected and their loved ones. Addiction is a complex, multifaceted issue that impacts every aspect of a person’s life, physically, emotionally, and socially.

Addiction is often misunderstood as simply a bad habit or a lack of willpower. However, I believe that addiction can be seen as a solution to something deeper, an attempt to cope with overwhelming emotions, experiences, or situations in life. It is a way the mind and body try to manage pain, anxiety, or a sense of emptiness when  other, healthier coping mechanisms aren’t available or known.

My approach to addiction counselling is rooted in this understanding.

I aim to help you explore the underlying issues that may have led to the addiction and to find more adaptive ways of coping that support your

long-term well-being.

In our work together, I will help you uncover what you are truly trying to cope with through your addiction. Is it unresolved trauma, chronic stress, or feelings of inadequacy? Perhaps it is loneliness, grief, or a deep-seated fear of failure. These are not easy questions to answer, and it takes courage to face them. But by understanding the root causes, we can begin to dismantle the power that addiction holds over you.

This process involves building self-awareness and learning to recognize the triggers and patterns that lead to addictive behaviours. We will explore alternative strategies that empower you to cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotions in a way that supports your overall health and well-being.

Ultimately, I aim to help you find the freedom to live a life that is not overshadowed by the need to escape. By understanding the underlying issues that have contributed to your addiction and by developing more adaptive

ways of coping, you can move forward with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Recovery is a journey, and it’s one that you don’t have to take alone. I am here to walk with you every step of the way, offering support, guidance, and tools to help you reclaim your life. You deserve to live in a way that is not defined by addiction, but by your ability to handle whatever life throws at you with resilience and strength.

Addiction doesn’t just affect the individual; it has a profound impact on families and loved ones. I have experience in working with family members who are navigating the emotional turmoil that comes with supporting someone struggling with addiction. Through counselling, I help loved ones understand the nature of addiction, develop healthy boundaries, and learn how to support the recovery process without enabling destructive behaviour.